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These photo were taken August 2015 at the ordination of their new Pastor, Esaie Exane. The space (which sits next to the church) is vacant and the owner allowed us to use it so the 300 people could worship together. The room used for worship in the existing church building seen here, can hold 50-55 in very a uncomfortable space. The property use for the ordination service abutts the church property and consists of a covered building that can hold 400-500 people. It has a beautiful yard that could be used for children to play.


We can have this property for $50,000, which is very reasonable in the area. The existing church building would then revert to its original purpose a school.


Furcy has an elementary school for children – tuition free. If we could obtain this additional property the school and the church would be ready for God directed growth. Please pray that Hope N Literacy will find the resources to purchase this ideal space for His use and glory. 

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Hope N Literacy International Foundation, Inc. was organized in 2004, by its President / Founder

Joe (Josue) Raymond, for the purpose of advancing the religious and academic education of the children and adults of the village of Casse-Pied, Haiti.


Hope N Literacy

128 West Wilbur Ave.

Lake Mary, FL. 32746 


Tel:  407-619-0766

Fax: 407-878-3776



"We cannot change the entire country, but with God’s help, we might make a difference in one small village

which will allow his work to spread beyond its borders as the young – educated – children hear and follow."

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